Saturday, 8 April 2017

What are Food Raids

Foodies of Bhubaneswar-Cuttack, the facebook food community of food lovers of the twin city started in 2012. Apart from sharing food related informative posts, queries and recipes, Foodies of Bhubaneswar-Cuttack became a popular forum for the unique event called “Food Raids”.
“Food Raid” has been the reason why this group stands out among the horde of facebook communities we see today ! It’s a lovely vibrant group of foodies who dine together and spend good quality time with people they have never even met before and by the time its time to share the desserts, the previously strangers in a group are the best buddies !
Process to attend a food raid is simple.
  1. Follow us on Facebook.
  2. You will be notified about our forthcoming events.
  3. Click on “going” on the event page, alternatively you can also confirm via a fone call.
  4. Be on time on the event day.
  5. If its not a special “meetup”(on the house) ,then we normally split the bill equally.
Other points include:
  1. Stay till the end for a mandatory group selfie.
  2. Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone in the group, even i never knew when I organised the first raid.
  3. Last don’t forget to do the social media check-ins.

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