Saturday, 8 April 2017

About Foodfindo

Hi there ! Thanks for visiting FoodFindo.

I am Rohit Srivastava,an avid foodie, food blogger, home cook, who started Foodies Of Bhubaneswar-Cuttack, a community for the foodies, by a foodie.

A skinny foodie, who loves to try out different cuisines, enjoys good food, loves exploring new restaurants in the city and love sharing my experiences on the facebook community.
FoodFindo is an extended platform where my experiences are documented and open to sharing experiences of fellow foodies from across the country.
A content writer by profession and a chef by the weekend, I love to barbecue and try cooking new cuisines and dishes. A wanderer soul, I love to travel and explore the local cuisine of the place. Still a student of food photography and learning it really quick !
An adventure and biking enthusiast, you may find me lazing on the riverside fishing or out on the highway for a “chai pakoda ride” with my biker friends.
If you wish to get in touch with me to share a feedback about the blog, post a query,discuss business or just follow my updates on the various social media platforms. you can check the following links:

Rohit Srivastava
Email: ;
Mobile: +91 9583481888
Twitter: rohit26
Instagram: _rohitsrivastava

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